
Thursday, April 19, 2018


Hello Friend,
Do you know how to win?
Do you know how to get the results that you want?
I can answer this question with a rather easy answer...
You will get results simply by taking action. Many of us suffer in life because we just don't do the things we know we should be doing. We waste our time sitting around waiting for something to happen and for something to change when we need to stand up and become the change that we want to see. Now you ask; "Noah, what does it mean to take action?" And I would respond "To take action!!!" See, people over complicate it. Most of us sit around making excuses as to why we aren't where we want to be, but I'm telling you, if you just begin to make the changes that you know you should make, then you will be victorious in all of the areas of your life.

Many of us think that we lack the ability to make these progressive changes in our lives, but the truth is that You have the power to make your life better. 1 John 4:4 says - "...Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." If the Bible is correct, (and we know it is) then God is on your side and He wants you to succeed! If God is truly on your side, then you know you have no reason to fail. Now you may be thinking "Noah, you are making this too religious," but what I just said is true my friend. The creator of the universe wants you to win, and He has enabled you with the necessary tools to do so.

Many of us continue in a lifestyle that makes us unhappy, such as; Staying at a job we don't like, continuing to date people we aren't content with, etc. We often times do this because we don't want the people we are around to be offended or to dislike us, but have you ever thought about what you want? We need to break free from oppressive lifestyles like this. If you aren't content with a certain aspect of your life, then change it!! Now some of these processes take time, and I understand that, but we should always be doing something to help improve our current situation. For example; if you want a better job, then it will take time to find one, but you should be looking and applying at other jobs daily. Always take progressive steps toward your goal daily.

While on the topic of improving your current situation, I'll tell you my story. Just over a year ago I weighed 150 lbs. I wasn't happy with how I looked, or how I felt physically or emotionally. So what I decided to do was to take action. I began to lift weights on a regular basis, and on the days that I didn't, I was eating extra food, stretching the sore muscles, and reading up on how to bulk more. See, I was making a determined effort to do something everyday to make my life better. Now I am happy to say I now weigh nearly 175 lbs and I lost 5 lbs of fat in the process. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'm a lot closer than what I would have been if I hadn't taken action and stayed consistent.
Now what are you going to do? I know there is something that you want to change in your life. It is your duty to yourself and to God to improve yourself and to make your life the way it should be. So I will ask again, what are you going to do?

P.s. Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

God Bless!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Loneliness can be very hard
Loneliness can weigh on your heart
But there is no need for you to fear
For there is most certainly a cure

Maybe you have been hurt by a loved one
And maybe you think your hope is all gone
But thankfully for you there is someone
Who won't stop until your heart is won

This amazing being I speak of
Who is making sure you are loved
Sent His son whom He beloved
To guarantee that you'll have a home above

Now here is what you must do
To guarantee that this will work for you
Just follow the scripture in Romans 10-9
And everything for you will be just fine

Just kneel down and tell God the truth
"My savior, I know that I need you"
My wicked ways will soon be no more
Because your son Jesus has now opened the door
I choose to make every day a better one
Because now I know that with God I have won

Choose to make God the lord of your life
And everything will soon be alright
You and your loved ones may sometimes fight
But this will soon be fixed with time

Just keep in mind the grace that's been sent
For now you won't have to dwell in loneliness
The reason for this has now been made clear
With God on your side there is nothing to fear

God Bless,
Noah Brewster