
Monday, October 24, 2016


Hello friend,
As a Christian, I have a personal desire to help others to grow in their walk with Christ. That being said, a big problem with Christianity today is that many people believe that they can ask for anything, and God will grant it to them. The danger in this is that people will doubt God’s existence when He doesn’t give something to them. Also, when you expect God to give you anything that you want, it takes all the accountability off of yourself. This is very dangerous.  As a Christian brother I would like to help you realize how you can obtain what you want by reading the Bible and by taking action to become who God would have you be.

Philippians 4:6 says – “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” But, just because we are making God aware of what we want, doesn’t mean that He will magically give it to us. As Christians we need to take responsibility for our own actions, and we need to take action to make our life the way that we want it to be. Prayer shouldn’t just be used as a way to vent; it should be used as a way to recognize the change that we desire, so that we can then strive to achieve those goals.
Prayer is key in a Christian’s walk with Christ, but many of us are reactive in our prayer. Our prayers tend to consist of more complaining than anything. Yes, it is good to vent, but we should try our best to abstain from reactive prayer. When you pray, you should make sure that you are trying to achieve those goals yourself. This is proactive prayer.

It is important to grow close to God in prayer, but you can’t learn about Him by praying. That is why it’s very crucial that we read the word of God. To become like God, we need to learn what He is like, and that doesn’t mean going to church to learn about Him. We should be reading the Bible daily. This is a very crucial part of you becoming the strong and disciplined Christian soldier that God wants you to be.

In Christ,
Noah Brewster

P.s.  In John 14:14 Jesus was talking to the disciples alone when He said – “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” I do not believe that God magically gives us whatever we pray for. This idea is unbiblical. I also do not believe that God is among us today like he was in the Old Testament. God was with man, and then He left. Jesus walked with man, and then He left. Now the Holy Spirit is with man, and that is how it will be until God comes back to cleanse the earth.  If you have any questions about this, 
please message me.